Under Three Acres, operated and owned by Tina von Hatten, abides by the following disclosures:

  1. This blog may at some point accept forms of payment, including but not limited to, monetary sponsorships, cash advertising, paid product sponsorships, donations, and other forms of crowd funding. The primary source of income for this blog/website is through, but not limited to, affiliate links, product sales, & ads.
    1. While using this website you may click on a link which will direct you off of the site. The site owner and operator cannot verify or guarantee the integrity of the links and/or their content.
  2. Sponsored posts indicate that I am receiving payment in exchange for coverage of a certain topic and/or to review a certain product. Any such posts will be clearly defined as paid content.
  3. This blog contain affiliate links, which may redirect you to Amazon, or a similar online marketplace. As an affiliate I will make a small commission on qualifying purchases.
  4. If a product is reviewed on the site it is purely because I believe that the product has merit and value, and is an item I would actually consider using myself. Should a product not meet my satisfaction I will make it known, regardless of compensation.
  5. This blog/website strives to write honest and accurate articles and reviews, should something not meet our satisfaction we will share that with you. The author of this site certifies that the information enclosed thereon is as accurate as can be reasonably ascertained.
  6. The opinions and views expressed on this site are solely those of the writer, and do not reflect those of any sponsor, partner, guest, advertiser, or third-party.
  7. This website does not contain any explicit material and does not exploit any individual, person, or group.
  8. The written and photographic content is the sole property of the website owner, Tina von Hatten, unless otherwise noted. Content used on the site that is not original has been used with the express consent of the content provider and within the bounds of the permission granted.
  9. Any copyrights or trademarks not the property of Tina von Hatten, operating as Under Three Acres, are the property of their respective owners.

This blog is written and edited by me, Tina von Hatten, Maria von Hatten and Noah von Hatten. Should you have any questions please contact [email protected].

As an Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases.